<Dialoglet:toggletriggerLabel="Delete Entry"><h2>Are you sure you want to delete the entry?</h2><p>This action can not be reversed.</p><svelte:fragmentslot="dialog-actions"><buttonon:click={toggle}>No</button><buttonon:click="{() => {
Styled Dialog
<DialogtriggerProps={{class:'btn'}}triggerLabel="Dialog as Side Pane"dialogIn={fly}dialogInOptions={{x:500}}--as-dialog-left="auto"--as-dialog-right="0"--as-dialog-transform="translateY(-50%)"--as-dialog-border-radius="0"--as-dialog-width="calc(100% - 2em)"--as-dialog-max-width="800px"--as-dialog-height="100%"--as-dialog-max-height="calc(100% - 2em)"><h1>This is a side pane</h1><p>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus rem non sunt! Id
necessitatibus veritatis debitis est tempora iure esse. Nisi, dicta alias nobis velit libero
deleniti corporis nihil? Eum.
When creating a confirm dialog, you need to toggle the opening state at different places. For this, a toggle() function is provided via slot props. Simply add let:toggle to the <Dialog> tag and call it when appropriate.
<Dialoglet:toggletriggerLabel="Delete Entry"><h2>Are you sure you want to delete the entry?</h2><p>This action can not be reversed.</p><svelte:fragmentslot="dialogActions"><buttonon:click={toggle}>No</button><buttonon:click={()=>{deleteEntry();toggle();}}>
Above you can see the usage for slot="dialogActions". This can be used to display options / buttons of a dialog dialog in a row.
By default the dialog is dismissable (not mandatory) and will close on ESC, by clicking outside or by clicking the x-mark button. If you pass in the mandatory prop the dialog is non-dismissable and won’t close unless you call let:toggle or change the value of bind:open.
To show the notifications, import and place the <Notifications /> component
inside your src/routes/__layout.svelte for SvelteKit
or src/pages/_layout.svelte for Routify, like this:
This is used to display the notifications, so it needs to be rendered wherever you want your notifications
{...$$restProps} get spread to the underlying <ul> element that shows the notifications.
Notification position
By default, the notifications will be displayed on the top right, i.e. "top-right". You can also place it to either "top-left""top", "bottom-left", "bottom", or "bottom-right" by setting the position prop on the <Notifications /> component.
notification(msg, {type, removeAfter, action})
To create or add a notification import the notification function from
'as-comps' and call it with a message or any HTML.
The second parameter is a notificationOption object where the the properties type, removeAfter or action can be set:
type controls the type of notification: ‘info’ (default) or ‘warn’
removeAfter controls how long a notification stays on screen in ms, defaulting to 5000
action can be used to attach an action to the component. Pass in an array consisting of two entries: at index 0 a label for the notification action button and at index 1 a callback function that gets called when the action button is pressed. Setting an Action increases the default removeAfter time by two.
import{ notification }from'as-comps';notification('hello notification');notification('<b>yaay!</b> you did it!');notification('a warning notification',{type:'warn'});notification('This notification will display for about 11,574 days.',{removeAfter:9001});notification('You did something undoable.',{action:['undo', undoCallback]});